Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My almost to the top. . . hike! : ) (This was probably the first real mountainside hike I've ever been on & it was in the French cool)

Oh man! What a day yesterday was : ) I got up and led the ladies first prayer group time, which went well! As soon as we had finished with that, I had to run up stairs and change and leave immediatly for the hike. We had to drive about 45-60 minutes to reach the starting point. By the time we got to the starting point, which was up above the tree line in the mountains, I was nauseaous. The road up to the top climbs back and forth and back and forth- so it is a lot of gas and break and gas and break! I thought if I ate something before I began hiking it would help the feeling go away, but as I continued to hike, it only got worse. Also, they say that with altitude change, that can make you nauseauous as well. We changed altitudes of about 8000ft. Needless to say, I did not make it up to the top. It was a three hour hike to the top. My friend, Julie, stayed with me, and we hiked up about an hr. or so, and then just sat there up on some rocks on the mountainside for a long time. We slowly made our way down back towards the car, taking our time and enjoying some fellowship. After I had sat for over an hr., it seemed that I felt much better. There was some snow up on the mountain, Julie even threw a snowball at me : ) After the rest got back, and we were just waiting for a few others to return, a couple of us decided to help make the load down the mountain easier on the van. We walked 7km to the bottom of the road, where it begins it ascent up to the top of the mountain! It was a great day! The mountains, as you will see in a moment, were majestic and breath-taking (literally : ) )

Nine of us crammed into a small minivan that holds 6. It was a great ride up and back : )

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