Monday, October 6, 2008

The busyness of life. . . what to do with it?

So, Life is busy. It always presents things that tend to be unexpected! Right now, I am sitting here trying to figure out what to write about and in what order, while I am listening to Christmas music and drinking .5L of coffee! That's right, I am already listening to Christmas music! I love Christmas. . .and maybe it is because we've already had the first snow up in the mountains here. . . snow puts me in the mood for Christmas, or so it seems! Anyway, I decided I am going to divide what I'm writing about into three categories!
1) School Activities
Things here at my school have been keeping me extremely busy. While trying to stay on top of my french studies, I am also taking one online class from Grace University in Omaha, NE. My days are filled with lots of studying. I am enjoying my class, I am beginning to feel more comfortable speaking French. . I still speak quite slowly, but can express myself and my thoughts quite well, with time. Despite all the time spent studying, I do find time to fit some other exciting things in. . . such as the hike I am going to take on Wednesday morning! We are going to hike up the Alps, it is supposedly a 4 hours hike. . which probably means it will take me 6 : )Time will tell. Also, as most of you know, I love planning things! The other students here at the Centre(that is what we call the school) appreciate me planning things and love to participate. There is also another girl who likes to decorate and plan as well, and so together, we've created some different activities! We had a parents night, where all the single girls babysat, so that all the parents could go out for a couple of hours. That is a great sucess and a ton of fun! We had 17 children in all! : )This Friday night, we are having a Ladies Night. It is going to be a night of fun, food, and fellowship. . .cheesy line, I know. But : )I am really looking forward to it, because generally the married ladies with children are not able to get away and spend time with us singles, or even with each other, because they are busy tending to their families, so the goal of this particular night is to create an atmoshpere, where we can all fellowship together! We are also going to watch some girly movie, who doesnt like to do that? : )I am going to bake lots of goodies for this night. I've found that I LOVE baking!! It seems that everything I make disappears by the next day, if I leave it out for the other girls to eat :) (Random fact: Last night, for really the 1st time...but maybe it was the 2nd time.. I made homemade lasanga! It was soo good. .and there were NO leftovers! We had our Sunday night meal together, yummy! It was good) Anyway, needless to say I put some of my time into planning activities for those here at the Centre. We are working on trying to plan something special for Thanksgiving- time will tell!
2. My Language Partner, Audrey!
The school recommends that each student get a language partner. I've finally found one. . . actually she kind of found me : ) A couple of weeks ago when I was helping at a youth group event, she was there. Her and her husband, both help with the youth group! She is close to my age, and her name is Audrey! We got to talking, and I found out that she spoke English, but she said that she needed to practice. . .(Insert sound of a door opening) : )So, I asked if she'd be interested in meeting to practice English and French, she agreed! We are meeting twice a week. One hour + we spend in French and then on a different day, we spend 1 + in English! I am really excited about this, and pray that God will bless us with a good, longlasting friendship!
3.Praying about the future. . .
I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. It seems that my mind gets preoccupied with a lot of things sometimes. Potentially, I am coming home at the end of December, and will be taking classes at Grace in the spring, but finances are somewhat of an issue, so I am praying about what God wants me to do. Possibilities are always endless of different opportunities or of different options, so I am just praying that God will give me a clear sense of direction. I would like to ask that you pray for this too! I want to feel His hand in my life, I want to be sure I am doing what it is that He wants me to do! So, please pray that He will guide in the direction I should be going!
Well, I suppose that is all for now. . . I will try to post more often than I have been, sorry about that time between the last messages! I hope that life for you is going well and that you are able to feel and sense God in ALL things! :) No matter the size of the role that you have planned in my life, I'm so thankful for you! Yes, YOU! Without the support of my family and friends, life would not be the same! Thank you for keeping up with me and for keeping me in your prayers! Hope you have a blessed week!

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