Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The current status of my heart. . .

So, I am now sitting in ma chambre( my room) in Albertville, France. I am going to be studying at a missionary language school for atleast the next four months. Life as I know it is about to change, because I soon approach a day when I will no longer be allowed to speak English : ) I am here in France with one of my closest friends, Sharon Lane. Sharon spent 2 out of the 6 months in Africa with me. It seems that God has brought us together, because our passions are heading in the same direction. We both feel the need to learn the french language, so that we can return to Mali, West Africa and more effectively minister to the people of Africa. I arrived at my school this last Saturday night. The next morning when I woke up, I walked outside on the veranda, and the view was breathtaking! I posted some pictures already of the view, it is so beautiful here! It seems that God is definitely at work here. There are two other girls that are studying here that are also going to Mali. Four out of 9 single girls studying at this school are heading to Mali-what a small world we live in : ) Both of these girls are heading to Koutiala, which during my time in Mali, I was able to visit Koutiala and the hospital in which both of these girls will be working! My heart is so happy, because I have a passion for Mali to be reached for Christ, and well obviously others do too! God is definitely good! Everyone keeps asking what my plans are after I leave the language school- and how long I will stay in Mali- it seems as though my opportunities are endless...should I stay at this language for a year(which is the normal term)? Should I return to Mali next summer and stay for 3 months, 6 months, or 12months +? I am not really sure what I am supposed to do..but I do know that as long as I continue to trust in the Lord, He will lead me in the right direction. There are so many choices and lots of opportunities to serve, I am curious to see where I will end up! I wonder if I will serve in Africa my whole life or only for a short time? I wonder if I will serve as a single woman or if I will marry? I wonder if I will be fluent in a tribal language, or end up in a country where English is spoken? I wonder. . . Despite all of my questions, I know that for now, I am where I am supposed to be. God has lead me here, and I am anxious to see what else He has in store for me. . . time will tell!
"God does notice us and He watches over us. But it is usually through another person that He meets our needs." ~Spencer W. Kimball
P.S. I love mail ;)

1 comment:

dale said...

Thanks for the glimpses of what you are seeing by way of both the photos & the written words! As I've told you before (I think) knowing your Dad and his passion for missions and his heart to be involved in reaching out with the love and story of Jesus it's great to see it living on in you! Also interesting that you are studying french since your Dad and I would at times banter back and forth in really bad french accents (not the language since neither of us knew it just the bad accents:-) doing a take off from the inspector in the Pink Panther movies.
As you continue to trust our Heavenly Abba may you be blessed with insight into what you are to be doing where as you need to know such!
"This resurrection life we have received from God is not a timid, grave tending life. It is adventurously expectant greeting God with a 'What's next Papa?'" Romans 8:15 (from the Message)