Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Choices we make do have effects. . .Who are you going to serve?

This morning, as I was reading my Bible, I came across a little devotional in a KLOVE book. I am going to post the devotional here and then reply with my thoughts following the post.

Joshua 24:15, "Choose for yourselves."
"Our lives are like icebergs. Only 15% is visible; that's reputation. The rest, our chracter, is below the surface, hidden. Chracter is what we think but never share. It's what we do when no one's watching. It's how we react to everyday aggravations. It's how we handle failure- and success. The thing that has muade us what we are is our choices. At the end of a successful career, Joshua challenges the people of Israel: "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . . But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." So the choice is yours!
French writer Francois de la Rochefoucauld asserted, "Almost all our faults are more pardonable than the methods we think up to hide them." Ever notice that people with the weakest character tend to place blame on their circumstances? They talk alot about poor upbringing, financial difficulties, the unkindness of others, or other circumstances that have made them victims. Your circumstances may be beyond your control, but your charcater is not. You can no more blame your character on your circumstances,than you can blame the mirror for your looks. Developing character is always your choice. Every time you make a character-based decision, you take another step forward in your spiritual growth. "
My thoughts:
I believe that everyday when we wake up we have the choice to do the right thing or to do the wrong thing. We have the choice to have a good day or a bad day. Yes, things that are unfortunate may come about during the day, things that we did not plan, but it is our response to those things that define our character. It is our response to unfortunate circumstances that gives a glimpse into our cores. I liked this devotional, because it really challenged me. I know that even though it isn't always easy to serve the Lord, that is the choice I am going to make. Despite whatever my circumstances are, I hope to always choose the Lord and His ways above all else. I pray that as I choose to live for the Lord daily, that those around me will be able to see a difference within me. I hope to examplify a Christ-like character. Every choice we make does have an effect, it has a result. So, my question or challenge for you and for myself today is : What choices are we going to make today? Are they going to be choices that build our characters up or tear them down? Today, as you decided who you are going to live for and decide what choices to make, I pray that you seek to build your character up in Christ!

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