Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Some trials..."Transition Semester"

So, lately it seems as though God is trying to teach me a lot. I knew that this was going to happen after I returned home. He taught me a lot while I was gone, and then told me that He has many things for me to learn now that I am back "home" in America. So, I am in the process of trying to decide what I am supposed to do with my major. I am currently an elementary education major, but part of me is thinking that I would like to switch to Intercultural studies. It would enable me to study more about culture, which I love. So, I am calling this next semester my "transition semester". All of my classes, can go toward either major, so I have some time to pray about things and listen to figure out what I am supposed to do. Also, while I was in Africa God was really working on my heart, showing me things, teaching me His ways, in ways that I hadn't ever experienced. So, now that I am back at home, I am not sure what I am supposed to do with some of those feelings, and lessons. I am praying that He will show me what I am supposed to do, what He would have me do. I want to do all things that will bring glory to His Name!
*Another trial is that we just found out that my grandpa has lung cancer( This is my mom's father) and that my aunt my have thyroid cancer. This is been extremely hard on my mother, because as most of you know, my father was killed in a car accident about 2 1/2 years ago, and then three months after that my grandmother died of cancer(my mom's mother). So, now her father and one of her sister's have cancer. My grandpa is really not doing well, so I believe that my family will be travelling down to Kentucky after Christmas to be with him and other family. God is good, and He does have a reason and a timing for ALL that He does, I just pray that understanding comes to all in my family. Please be praying for my mother, as she tries to find her strength in the Lord, and for the rest of my family as they do the same.
*Hebrews 13:5, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

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