Monday, November 19, 2007

Home...for now.

Well...I am home. Home in Nebraska that is: ) I arrived back in Omaha, NE on Saturday, November 17th. My family and many friends were there to greet the team and I as we walked off the plane! It feels good to be at home, although I am already missing Africa. I know that God has many things to teach me here at home...lessons that I couldnt learn over there, so I just need to be patient and He will continue to prepare me for the future. I really do feel like God is calling me to serve in Mali, atleast for a time...and I know that many changes lie ahead. I am in the process of trying to decide what I am going to do next semester, and have many choices to make, so please continue to be praying for me. Thank you so much for praying these last 6 months, all the prayers have been appreciated and felt. I will write about my trip home and the short time in Paris soon. I am heading back to Omaha today, because my team is doing a presentation of Mali to the students and staff of Grace University tomorrow.

1 comment:

dale said...

May you be blessed with a special awareness of our Lord's shepherding leadership and care as you seek out what and where's next!