Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A little update

Friends and Family,
Oh boy! So much has happened...it has been almost two weeks since I have blogged, and oh boy, have I been busy. I have been to Bougouni the last two weekends. It was wonderful to go back, I was welcomed with open arms, and lots of hugs:) I felt as though I had returned home! This weekend will be the first time I will be doing some women's ministry in Bougouni, and this week I started to teach an English class with Tasha. Yesterday was our first day, we had about 12 students, it went really well. It was actually a lot of fun! I am also going to get to have a personal tutor for Bambara, so that I can further my language skills. I am really excited about this. I pray that God will enable me to learn the language quickly, so that I can better communicate with the Malians. Today I am having two friends over, and teaching them how to cook some American food. They will be here soon, so I must hurry. God has been teaching me so many things. Especially that even if there seems to be NO way, He will make a way. "He will be my guide. Hold me closely by His side. With love and strength for each new day, He will make a way. I just have to trust Him. Some exciting things have been happening here, and once I can share them with you, I will. Until then, please be praying. Also, I received news today, that two of my family's close friends, are in the hospital. One is named Keith Bartos, and the other is Joel Wentworth, both of them need prayer, as well as their families. Please be praying that God will comfort them during this time, and give them strength. Thank you for your prayers!


Amanda B said...

I will definitely be praying for you! You are such an amazing woman, and I love you bunches!

Amanda B said...

Miss Hannah, you have not updated in a while! I love you!