Saturday, March 3, 2007

Blogging--My Prince Charming

I feel like I am horrible at is so funny, because I love writing, and I tend to be online all the time, yet I have problems actually writing something on this page:) Anyway, I decided that I would write something about what is consuming my thoughts as of right now. I just had the girls from the youth group I help at sleepover in the dorms last night and they all just left. Last night we used my "Book of Questions" to stimulate conversation, and it was amazing. We talked a lot about relationships and what we want to get out of them, and what we should put into them. I realized that I really respect guys who are honest about their feelings, and who arent afraid to tell you how they feel. There are so many things that I want in a guy. The particular question asked for my top 3, and which are as follows: 1) Must have a personal relationship with Christ. 2) Must love children, and want some of his own :). 3) Must appreciate me for me, and cherish me while holding me accountable, always challenging me spiritually and encouraging me as well! There are so many more, but those would be the top 3ish:) I know that I just have to wait on God, and trust that He will provide me with my prince charming when the timing is just right :)

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